Stewed Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce

Stewed Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce
Stewed Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce

Indulge in the delectable world of flavors with this tantalizing recipe for Fried Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce. This mouthwatering dish brings together succulent pieces of pork, seasoned to perfection, and adorned with a zesty dill and garlic sauce that adds a burst of freshness to every bite. The delightful combination of tender pork, aromatic dill, and piquant garlic creates a symphony of flavors that will transport your taste buds to a culinary paradise.

In this recipe, we’ll guide you through the steps to create a memorable dish that is both easy to prepare and absolutely satisfying. The dill and garlic sauce, with its refreshing and herbaceous notes, elevates the pork to new heights, making it a delightful centerpiece for any occasion, from family dinners to special gatherings.

So, let’s embark on this culinary adventure and immerse ourselves in the world of Fried Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce—a delightful journey through the art of blending harmonious flavors and creating a dish that will be remembered and cherished by all who have the pleasure of savoring it. Let’s get cooking!

Nutrition Facts

Prep Time15
Cooking Time25
Protein12 g.
Fat19 g.
Carbohydrates2 g.
Nutrition Information for 100 g.

Ingredients for the Dill and Garlic Sauce

  • 70 g. of dill
  • 30 g. of garlic
  • 80 g. of olive oil with rosemary
  • 1 tsp of salt
Ingredients for the Dill and Garlic Sauce

How to Make the Dill and Garlic Sauce

  1. Begin by washing the dill and cutting off the stems. Reserve the necessary amount for the sauce and chop it finely.
  2. In a blender, place the chopped dill and grate the garlic cloves on top.
  3. Add the olive oil with rosemary and salt to the blender. You can also add lemon, but I did not have at that moment.
  4. Blend all the ingredients together until a smooth and vibrant green sauce forms.
  5. Taste the sauce and adjust the seasoning with more salt if needed. Transfer the dill sauce into a glass container and store it in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Dill and Garlic Sauce

Ingredients for the Stewed Pork

  • 600 g. of pork (cut into pieces)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Red pepper, to taste
  • Dried garlic powder, to taste
  • 30 g. of olive oil

How to Cook Stewed Pork

  1. Season the pork pieces with salt, black pepper, red pepper, and a sprinkle of dried garlic powder. Allow the flavors to infuse into the meat.
  2. In a skillet or frying pan, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat.
  3. Add the seasoned pork pieces to the hot oil and fry them for about 10-15 minutes, or until they are nicely browned on all sides.
  4. To ensure the pork is tender, add a little water to the pan and cover it with a lid. Allow the pork to stew for another 10 minutes, absorbing the savory flavors.
  5. Now, it’s time to introduce the star of the dish—the dill sauce! Pour the prepared dill sauce over the pork, coating it in the herb-infused goodness.
  6. Let the pork simmer in the dill sauce for an additional 3 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.
  7. Serve your delightful pork with dill alongside a fresh and crisp salad, perfect for keto dieters. Alternatively, pair it with a bed of fluffy rice if you prefer a medium carbohydrate diet. Bon appétit!
  • Dill and Garlic Sauce
  • Stewed Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce
  • Stewed Pork with Dill and Garlic Sauce, Rice and Salad

Whether you’re following a keto diet and wish to pair the pork with a crisp salad, or you prefer a moderate carb meal with a side of fluffy rice, this versatile dish caters to diverse preferences and guarantees to leave a lasting impression on all who indulge in its enchanting flavors.