Genshin Impact goulash


Traditionally goulash recipe is a part of Hungarian cuisine. It is cooked from beef and vegetables. Genshin Impact goulash belongs to the list of Mondstadt dishes. In this region the main meat is pork. So I cook it with this meat.

Genshin Impact goulash
Genshin Impact goulash


  • Pork — 500 g.
  • Carrot — 1-2 pcs .
  • Onion — 1 pс
  • Tomato — 3-4 pcs.
  • Wheat flour — 1 tsp
  • Salt —to taste
  • Water — 400 ml.
  • Chilli paper — to taste
  • A mix of ground peppers — to taste
  • Paprika — to taste
  • Chilli paper — to taste

How to make goulash (Genshin Impact)

  1. To prepare pork goulash in a frying pan with gravy, take pork pulp, carrots if desired, onions, flour, tomatoes, salt, spices, sunflower oil and water.
  2. Cut the pork into small dices.
  3. In preheated sunflower oil, fry it quickly on every side. The whole frying process should be at least 10 minutes.
  4. While the meat is being fried, peel the vegetables. Cut onion into cubes and carrot into thing circles.
  5. Add chopped onion and spices (do not salt). Stir quickly, and let the onion sweat slightly with the meat.
  6. Then put the carrots in the pan. Add the chopped tomatoes. Mix everything well and simmer until the vegetables are half-cooked. 
  7. Add flour and mix everything at once.
  8. Prepare hot water and pour it into the meat and vegetables. If you add cold water, you must cook the food longer.
  9. Stir the pork goulash, add salt to taste and bay leaf. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 40 minutes.
  10. When serving pork goulash, add fresh herbs and a couple of rings of fresh chili pepper.
Pork goulash calories
Pork goulash calories

Enjoy your meal!