Traditional Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Traditional Beef Stroganoff Recipe
Traditional Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Traditional beef stroganoff recipe boasts tender strips of beef cooked in a rich, velvety sauce made with onions, mushrooms, and a touch of sour cream. A harmonious blend of flavors, this comforting meal is a timeless favorite that promises warmth and satisfaction on any occasion. Follow along for a simple yet flavorful journey through this beloved culinary gem.

Nutritios Facts for 100 g.

Prep Time15 min.
Cooking Time1 hr.
Calories185 csal.
Protein6 g.
Fat8 g.
Carbohydrates22 g.

Cooking Equipment

  • Oven
  • Saucepan
  • Cutting Board
  • Tablespoon
  • Wooden Spatula


  • 1 pound (450g) beef sirloin or tenderloin, thinly sliced
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 oz (225g) mushrooms, sliced
  • 3  tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup beef broth
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)
  • 12 oz (340g) egg noodles or pasta, cooked according to package instructions
  • Onion_and_mushrooms
  • beef

How to Cook Traditional Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Step 1. Sauté Beef: Season the beef slices with salt, pepper, and paprika. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Sear the beef slices (for 5 minutes per side until browned. Remove the beef from the skillet and set it aside.

Step 2. Cook Onion, Garlic, and Mushrooms: In the same skillet, add the remaining butter and olive oil. Sauté the chopped onion until translucent, then add the minced garlic and cook for another minute. Add the sliced mushrooms and cook until they’re softened and browned.

Step 3. Make the Sauce: Sprinkle the flour over the mushroom mixture and stir for about a minute. Slowly pour in the beef broth while stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Let it simmer until the sauce thickens slightly.

Step 4. Combine Ingredients: Stir in the sour cream and Dijon mustard into the sauce until well combined. Return the beef to the skillet and let it simmer gently for a 5-10 minutes until the beef is heated through and the flavors meld together. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper if needed.

Note: You can adjust the thickness of the sauce by adding more or less beef broth or sour cream according to your preference. Enjoy your homemade beef stroganoff!

Traditional Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Food and Drink Paring

Serve the beef stroganoff over cooked egg noodles or pasta. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley for a burst of flavor and color. This recipe should serve about 4 people. Adjust the quantities based on the number of servings you need.

For drinking you can choose red semi dry wine. In winter you can pair it with mulled wine or if you avoid alcohol drink a cup of juice or tea.

Mulled Wine Recipe: Sweet Red Wine and Spice Delight

Snap. Cook. Share

It’s a simple yet comforting dish that’s perfect for a cozy meal. I’d love to share this recipe with you all. Give it a try and let me know what you think! Enjoy the flavors and the coziness this dish brings!