Goat Curd Coconut Cookies Recipe

Goat Curd Coconut Cookies Recipe
Goat Curd Coconut Cookies Recipe

Hey there, wonderful reader! I want to share a recipe for goat curd coconut cookies. The recipe is simple but unusual, mainly because it uses goat cheese. Coconut flakes pair perfectly with any cheese in baking. It doesn’t take much time, and even a novice cook can handle it.

Equipment You’ll Need:

  • Mixing bowl
  • Fork for mixing
  • Measuring cup
  • Foil
  • Baking sheet

Nutrition Facts for 100 g.

Prep Time15 min.
Cooking Time35
Servings35 min.
Calories167 csal.
Protein7 g.
Fat4 g.
Carbohydrates24 g.


To make creamy coconut cookies, you’ll need:

  • Soft goat cheese (or any other type) – 500 g
  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Chicken eggs – 2
  • Coconut flakes – 40 g
  • Baking powder – 10 g
  • A pinch of salt
  • All-purpose flour – 100 g
  • Cornmeal – 50 g
  • Сinnamon to taste
  • Vanila sugar to taste
  • Butter for greasing the baking sheet
  • Powdered sugar for dusting the cookies
goat curd coconut cookies ingredients

How to Make Goat Curd Coconut Cookies:

Step 1: Mix the Basic Ingredients

Combine the goat cheese, sugar, eggs, vanilla sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl.

Step 2: Prepare the Cheese Mixture

Use a fork (or spoon) to mash the cheese mixture until it becomes paste-like.

Step 3: Add Dry Ingredients

Add the baking powder, sifted flour, cinnamon, vanila sugar and coconut flakes. Mix, initially using a spoon, and then knead the dough with your hands.

Step 4: Shape the Dough

The dough will be soft but firm enough, slightly sticky. You may need more or less flour depending on the size of the eggs and the moisture content of the cheese.

Step 5: Bake

Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly grease it with butter. With buttered hands, shape the dough into balls (each weighing around 50 grams). I made 12 balls, placing them on the baking sheet with enough space between them. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius and bake the cookies for about 30 minutes. Then raise the temperature to 180 degrees and bake until golden brown (5-10 minutes).

Step 6. Serving and Drink Paring.

Sprinckle with powdered sugar. A cup of hot black coffee or tea matches perfactly to this pastry especially when you want to feel warm cosy atmosphere in your hart.

  • Cookies on a Plate
  • Sugar-Powdered Cookie Bliss
  • Caffeine and Cookies

Questions for Goat Curd Coconut Cookies Recipe:

Can I replace goat cheese with cow’s cheese?

Yes, you can. If you don’t have or don’t like goat cheese, you can use cow’s cheese. The taste will be different but still delicious.

Can I omit cornmeal?

Yes, you can omit cornmeal. Simply use more all-purpose flour instead. You can also experiment by using almond flour for a similar cookie with a different twist.

Can I use this recipe to make cheesewaffles?

Not in these exact proportions. The dough is too dense for waffles. However, I will try to adapt this recipe for waffles.

Snap. Cook. Share

Thank you for visiting this page. I’m not a wizard; I’m just learning to create magic in the kitchen. If you enjoyed the recipe, make goat curd coconut cookies for your loved ones and save some for yourself. Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments. Life is too short to eat sad and tasteless food. Wishing you all goodness and a great mood.