Сhoko fruit or chayote: what is it

Сhoko fruit or chayote
Сhoko fruit or chayote

If you’re looking to add some new vegetables to your cooking, consider trying chayote or choko fruit , also known as “Mexican cucumber.” This plant from the gourd family has a liana-like appearance and is native to Central America. The chayote can be eaten raw, fried, boiled, and it can also be stored for a long time. Unlike the typical cucumber, it has only one seed and a taste that is similar to cucumber.

Don’t limit your use of chayote to just salads, as it has many culinary possibilities. Try this versatile vegetable in various cooking methods and see how it can enhance the flavor of your dishes.

Chayote cultivation

Chayote is a wonderful perennial plant that bears edible fruits in the third year. During the summer, this plant produces around 60-80 pear-shaped fruits, each of which is about 10-12 cm long and weighs around 500-600 g. Chayote has only one seed and can be perfectly stored in a cool place until March-April. It’s an excellent vegetable to add to your culinary ventures, and I encourage you to give it a try!

Chayote cultivation

Cooking choko fruit

Chayote squashis technically a fruit but is eaten like a vegetable. Сhoko fruit is a versatile plant – all of its parts are edible. The young shoots are boiled and used for soups, salads, and side dishes. Chayote roots can also be boiled and cooked, but only while the plant is young. The stem is the only part of the plant that is inedible and is often used for weaving straw objects. The taste of choko fruit is similar to potatoes, so it can be prepared using classic potato recipes. However, it is also used in various original recipes due to its distribution in countries with diverse culinary cultures. For instance, chayote is grated and used as the basis for various soups. One popular recipe involves cutting boiled, peeled chayote, adding oil, and serving it hot. Chayote pairs well with eggplant and tomatoes to make a delicious puree that can be served as a side dish. Chayote’s neutral taste also complements many vegetables and is often combined with traditional Mexican spices like Tabasco or cayenne pepper to add some heat to the dish. It’s worth noting that chayote can also be paired with fruits like apples and cinnamon to create sweet dishes. Additionally, the fruits contain high amounts of starch, which is why they can be used to make flour or marinated. In terms of nutritional value, chayote contains 17 amino acids, including essential ones like arginine, valine, leucine, and threonine. It also has sugars and vitamins.

Calorie and nutritional value of chayote

Chayote calorie content – 19 kcal. Chayote nutritional value: proteins – 0.82 g, fats – 0.13 g, carbohydrates – 2.81 g

How to peel chayote

Method 1 is for unripe chayote fruits with a softer peel. First, you’ll need a thick glove or towel to protect your hands from the thorny exterior. Wrap the fruit in the towel and use a knife to scrape off the thorns, then use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin.

Method 2 is for ripe chayote with a harder peel. Start by cutting off the top and bottom ends of the fruit, then stand it up vertically and hold it in the center with a fork. Use a knife to cut the peel around the entire perimeter of the fruit, then cut off the remaining peel from the bottom. Finally, cut the fruit into quarters and remove the inner seed.

How to peel chayote

Now that you know how to peel chayote, you’re ready to try out some delicious recipes with this unique vegetable!