Matsutake Meat Rolls recipe

Matsutake Meat Rolls Genshin Impact.jpg

It is hard to make a copy of the delicious matsutake meat rolls recipe from Genshin Impact in reality. I decide to cook the cabbage rolls with a pork mince and mushrooms for this purpose. If you do not like pork, you can substitute it with beef or poultry. You can serve filled meat rolls with potato as a side dish.

Cabbage rolls with pork mince and mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with pork mince and mushrooms


  • Pork pulp — 600 g
  • Champignons — 200 g
  • White loaf — 150 g.
  • White cabbage — 1.5 kg
  • Onion — 2 pcs .
  • Tomato paste — 3 tbs.
  • Potato starch — 1 tbs.
  • salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper and sugar to taste
  • Sunflower oil — 2 tbs.
  • Bay leaf — 1 pc.

How to cook Matsutake Meat Rolls recipe from Genshin Impact

  1. Fill a white loaf or bun with cold water and squeeze. Then peel one onion and finally chop. Wash the pork pulp. Pass bread, onions and meat through a meat grinder. Mix the ingredients well.
  2. Wash and peel the champignons and another onion. Chop them also. On a frying pan add vegetable oil. Fry the mushrooms with onion for 10 -15 minutes. Then add to the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. For the next step, make small cuts around the cabbage head. Then put it in boiling water, boil for 2 – 5 minutes. When the cabbage is ready place it on a plate and cool down. Divide the leaves, cut the thickening parts on the cabbage leaf and lay out a portion of minced meat with mushrooms. Fold the cabbage leaves with minced meat into envelopes.
  4. For a souce put the tomato paste, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Next pour 400 ml of water. Dilute the starch in a 100 ml of cold water and add to the sauce. Place the cabbage stuffed with meat in a saucepan with the sauce. Cover the saucepan with a lid, and simmer mince stuffed cabbage leaves over medium heat until cooked for 50 minutes. Add the bay leaf in the end of cooking process.

 “Matsutake meat rolls” are ready.

Cabbage stuffed with meat and mushroomscalories
Cabbage stuffed with meat and mushrooms calories

Enjoy your meal!