Roasted quail chicken with apples and onion

Roasted quail chocken
Roasted quail chocken


  • Apples — 150 g.
  • Onion — 150 g.
  • Parsley — 4 sprigs
  • Salt — 1 pinch
  • Freshly ground black pepper — 1 pinch
  • Sunflower oil — 1 tbs.
  • Quail chicken — 2 birds (500 g.)
  • Honey — 1 tsp.
Roasted quail chicken with apples and onion calories
Roasted quail chicken with apples and onion calories

How to cook roasted quail chicken with apples and onion

Step 1. Wash and dry the apples, cut them in wedges, peel the onion and cut it into rings. Grease the baking dish with oil. Add parsley leaves. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

apples and onion

Step 2. Wash and dry the quail, cut along the breast and lightly beat off on both sides, season with spices. Also, grease meat with honey so that a beautiful crust appears during the roasting. 

quail chicken

Step 3. Place the quails on an apple-onion layer and roast in a preheated 180 (356°F) degree oven for 25 minutes. Cover the baking dish with foil. Then remove the foil and lift the baking form to the second level of the oven for 10 minutes to make a beautiful crust. Then pull out the meat and let it cool down.

Roasted quail chicken with apples and onion

You can serve it with a vegetable side dish. Enjoy your meal!

Main recommendations

When choosing a bird, pay attention to its color and smell. It should quickly take its former shape when pressing on the bird skin with a finger. The skin color of the quail should be pink or white. The appearance of yellow and blue spots indicates that the product is spoiled, and an unpleasant smell also evidences this. If there are suspicions that the quail is not of the first freshness, it is advisable to refrain from buying.

Small poultry, the carcasses of which weigh no more than 200 g, are baked at 180 (356 °F) degrees 35-40. Broiler quail varieties at 180 (356 °F) degrees are baked for 45-50 minutes.

For the quails to turn out more juicy and tender, they are marinated before cooking. Usually, white wine, lemon juice, soy sauce are used for this. You can also marinate the bird in sour cream or mayonnaise. In the marinade quails are usually kept for a short time – about an hour. There is no marinade in this recipe because the bird is cooked on apples, which give some juice in the process of baking.