Jacket potato in the oven

Jacket potato in oven
Jacket potato in oven

Jacket potato in oven are a healthy and nutritious food option that offer several health benefits.

Low in Fat and High in Fiber: Baked jacket potatoes are low in fat and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for people who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Fiber helps to regulate digestion and keep you feeling full for longer.

Good Source of Complex Carbohydrates: Jacket potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates, which are an important source of energy for the body. These carbohydrates are slowly absorbed by the body, providing a steady supply of energy over time.

Rich in Essential Nutrients: Baked jacket potatoes are rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure, while vitamin C and B6 are important for a healthy immune system.

Versatile: Baked jacket potatoes can be enjoyed on their own or topped with a variety of healthy ingredients, such as baked beans, cheese, salsa, or Greek yogurt. This makes them a versatile and tasty food option.

Convenient: Baked jacket potatoes are easy to prepare and can be cooked in the oven or on the grill, making them a convenient food option for busy individuals.

In conclusion, baked jacket potatoes are a healthy and nutritious food option that offer several health benefits. Whether enjoyed on their own or topped with healthy ingredients, they are a tasty and convenient way to get essential nutrients into your diet. Here I propose oven-baked jacket potatoes recipe.


  • 4 medium-sized russet potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Optional toppings: butter, sour cream, grated cheese, diced bacon, chopped green onions, etc.
Jacket potato in oven calories
Jacket potato in oven calories

How to make jacket potato in oven

Step 1. Wash and dry the potatoes thoroughly, then pierce each one several times with a fork. Brush the potatoes with olive oil and season them generously with salt and pepper. Preheat your oven to 400°F (204°C).

washed potatoes

Step 2. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 50-60 minutes, or until they are tender and the skin is crispy.

baked potato

Step 3. Remove the potatoes from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes. Cut a slit down the middle of each potato and gently squeeze the ends to fluff up the flesh. Add your desired toppings, such as butter, sour cream, grated cheese, diced bacon, chopped green onions, etc.

Serve the jacket potatoes hot and enjoy!

Note: You can also wrap the potatoes in aluminum foil before baking for a softer skin. How long to cook a jacket potato in the oven — cooking time for a jacket potato in the oven depends on the size of the potato, but on average, it takes approximately 45-60 minutes to cook a large potato at 400°F (200°C). To ensure the potato is fully cooked, insert a knife or fork into the center of the potato. If it goes in easily, the potato is done. You can also check the internal temperature of the potato with a meat thermometer, it should be around 210°F (99°C). Keep in mind that cooking time may vary depending on the oven and size of the potato.