Is Feta Goat Cheese? Exploring the Similarities and Differences

Is Feta Goat Cheese Exploring the Similarities and Differences
Is Feta Goat Cheese Exploring the Similarities and Differences

Feta and goat cheese share some similarities, but they also have distinct characteristics. While feta is made from sheep’s milk, goat cheese is made from goat’s milk. Both cheeses are excellent sources of protein, calcium, and beneficial fats. In this article, we will delve deeper into the question, “Is feta goat cheese?” and other questions.

Feta Cheese Origin

Feta cheese is a traditional Greek cheese that has gained popularity worldwide. It is made primarily from sheep’s milk, although some variations may include a small percentage of goat’s milk. Feta is known for its crumbly texture, tangy flavor, and characteristic salty taste. It has a distinct aroma and a creamy, slightly grainy consistency. Feta cheese is often used in salads, sandwiches, and various Mediterranean dishes.

Exploring Goat Cheese

Goat cheese, also known as chèvre, has a long history and is produced in different regions around the world. It is predominantly made from goat’s milk, which gives it a unique flavor profile. Goat cheese can range from creamy and mild to pungent and earthy, depending on the aging process and the type of goat’s milk used. It is a versatile cheese that can be enjoyed on its own, crumbled over salads, or incorporated into various recipes.

Goat cheese history

The Differences Between Feta and Goat Cheese

The primary difference between feta cheese and goat cheese lies in the type of milk used for their production. While feta is predominantly made from sheep’s milk, goat cheese is mainly derived from goat’s milk. This distinction influences their taste, texture, and aroma. Feta cheese has a nutty aroma and a sharp, salty flavor, likely due to the brining process it undergoes. On the other hand, goat cheese has a stronger earthy aroma and a bold, tangy taste.

In terms of appearance, feta cheese is typically formed into blocks and may have small, shallow holes, giving it a slightly grainy texture. It does not have a rind. In contrast, goat cheese is often shaped into logs, wheels, or cut into triangular blocks. It can have an edible rind, depending on the specific variety.

Both cheeses can vary in terms of firmness. Feta cheese can range from soft to semi-firm, easily crumbling when pressed. Goat cheese also comes in different textures, with some varieties being soft and spreadable, while others are firmer and more crumbly.

Despite their similarities, feta cheese and goat cheese are distinct from each other, and their unique characteristics contribute to their respective culinary applications.

The Differences Between Feta and Goat Cheese

Comparing Nutritional Properties

Both feta cheese and goat cheese offer nutritional benefits. They are good sources of protein, calcium, and beneficial fats. However, the exact nutrient composition may vary based on the specific brand and manufacturing process.

Feta cheese provides essential amino acids, calcium for bone health, and healthy fats. It is also lower in fat and calories compared to some other cheeses, making it a popular choice among health-conscious individuals.

Goat cheese, similarly, offers a good amount of protein, calcium, and healthy fats. It is known for its easier digestibility compared to cow’s milk cheese, making it a suitable option for those with lactose intolerance or sensitivities. Additionally, goat cheese contains higher levels of certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin K, and phosphorus.

Feta Cheese Goat Cheese
Calories 100 137
Protein 5 grams 9 grams
Carbohydrates 2 grams less than 1 gram
Fat 8 grams 11 grams
Saturated Fat 28% 38%
Sodium 15% 7%
Calcium 14% 13%


In conclusion, feta cheese and goat cheese may share some similarities, but they are distinct in terms of their milk sources, flavors, textures, and aromas. Feta is primarily made from sheep’s milk, while goat cheese is derived from goat’s milk. Both cheeses offer nutritional benefits and are widely used in various culinary applications. Understanding the differences between feta and goat cheese allows us to appreciate their unique qualities and make informed choices when incorporating them into our meals.


1. Can I substitute feta with goat cheese in recipes that call for feta?

While feta and goat cheese have similar characteristics, they have distinct flavors. Substituting one for the other may alter the taste of your dish, so it’s best to consider the specific recipe and your personal preferences before making a substitution.

2. Are feta and goat cheese suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance?

Both feta and goat cheese are typically lower in lactose compared to cow’s milk cheese, making them potentially more tolerable for individuals with lactose intolerance. However, it’s advisable to check with your healthcare provider if you have specific dietary concerns.

3. Can feta and goat cheese be used interchangeably in salads?

Yes, feta and goat cheese can often be used interchangeably in salads. However, keep in mind that the flavors and textures may differ slightly, so adjust accordingly based on your taste preferences.

4. Are there any vegetarian or vegan alternatives to feta and goat cheese?

Yes, there are plant-based alternatives available in the market that aim to replicate the taste and texture of feta and goat cheese. These alternatives are typically made from ingredients like tofu, nuts, or soy and can be suitable options for vegetarians or vegans.

5. How should feta and goat cheese be stored?

Feta and goat cheese should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness. It’s best to consume them within a few weeks of purchase for optimal flavor and quality.