Steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker

Steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker
Steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker

Steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker belongs to a category of delicious and easy cooking ideas. It can be included in the list of low-fat food. The time of preparation is about 5 minutes, and you do not need many products for this recipe.


  • Green  beans — 150 g. 
  • Egg — 1 pcs.
  • Small carrot  —  1 pc (50 g).
  • Millk — 20 g.
  • Cheese (without gluten like Cheddar ) — 20 g.
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbs
  • Salt — to ta taste
Green bean casserole with cheese calories
Green bean casserole with cheese calories

How to make steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker

Step 1. Wash the carrot and grate it. Take out frozen green beans from the fridge. It is not necessary to unfreeze them.

Vegetables - carrot and green beans
Vegetables – carrot and green beans

Step 2. Whisk the egg and salt it. Grate a little cheese and add to the egg

Whisked egg

Step 3. Put grated carrot and green beans in a bowl. Then add whisked egg and cheese mixture. Mix everything well. Place all ingredients in silicon or ceramic form for baking. Pour water in a saucepan or in a slow cooker bowl.

All ingredients together
All ingredients together

Step 4. Put the bowl with future casserole in a steamer basket and steam for 20 – 30 minutes.

Steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker
Steaming green bean casserole in the slow cooker

Enjoy your meal!