Triss Merigold’s Baked Honey Apples: A Magical Delight

Triss Merigold's Baked Honey Apples: A Magical Delight
Triss Merigold's Baked Honey Apples: A Magical Delight

Welcome to the enchanting world of Witcher 3, where the talented and powerful witch Triss Merigold not only wields magic but also excels in creating delectable treats. Today, we delve into Triss’s realm to discover her signature recipe for baked honey apples. This delightful dessert will transport you to a realm of flavors and aromas that will leave you spellbound. Baking the apples whole is the easiest and most rewarding way to enjoy this magical dessert. So, grab your ingredients and embark on a culinary adventure with Triss Merigold!

Triss Merigold

About Triss Merigold

Triss Merigold, a beloved character in the Witcher 3 video game, is a sorceress of exceptional skill and a true master of magic. Known for her fiery red hair and radiant personality, Triss captivates players with her intelligence, courage, and unwavering loyalty. In addition to her magical prowess, Triss is also a talented cook and baker, delighting those around her with her culinary creations. Today, we have the privilege of sharing her baked honey apples recipe, a sweet and enchanting treat that will surely leave you craving for more.

Ingredients and Equipment

To recreate Triss Merigold’s baked honey apples, gather the following ingredients:

  • 4 apples
  •  teaspoons of honey
  • A pinch of cinnamon

For this recipe, you will need:

  • Baking tray
  • Foil

Nutrition Information

Prep Time10 min
Cooking time20
Serving 4
Nutrition Information for 100g

How to Make Baked Honey Apples

Step 1. Begin by preheating your oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit). This will ensure that your apples bake evenly and develop their irresistible flavors.

Step 2. Thoroughly rinse the apples under cool water and pat them dry with paper towels. This step ensures that the apples are clean and ready to be transformed into a magical dessert.

Step 3. Line a baking tray with foil to prevent the apples from sticking and to facilitate easy cleanup.

Step 4. Place the prepared apples on the foil-lined baking tray, ensuring they are evenly spaced for optimal heat distribution.

Step 5. Slide the tray into the preheated oven and let the apples bake for approximately 20  minutes, depending on the variety and size of the apples. Keep a close eye on them, as you want them to be tender but not overly soft.

Step 6. Once the apples are beautifully baked and emit a tantalizing aroma, carefully remove them from the oven.

Step 6. Transfer the baked apples to a serving plate or individual dessert bowls, arranging them with care and reverence.

Step 7. Now, it’s time to add Triss Merigold’s special touch. Drizzle each apple with a teaspoon of honey mixed with cinnamon powder, allowing the golden sweetness to cascade over the warm, tender flesh.

Step 8. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of these baked honey apples, as they are now ready to be savored and enjoyed.

baked apples in the oven

Serving Suggestions

Triss Merigold’s baked honey apples can be served in various delightful ways. Here are a few suggestions to enhance your enjoyment of this magical treat:

  • With a dollop of whipped cream: The lightness and creaminess of whipped cream perfectly complement the warm, caramelized flavors of the baked apples. Add a generous swirl of freshly whipped cream on top of each apple for a touch of decadence.
  • Accompanied by vanilla ice cream: Serve the baked honey apples alongside a scoop of velvety vanilla ice cream for a contrasting combination of temperatures and textures. The coolness of the ice cream against the warm apples creates a divine dessert experience.
  • Sprinkled with cinnamon: For an extra burst of warmth and aroma, you can add to honey powder of cinnamon.

Tips for Success to Elevate your Baked Apples Recipe:

Choose the Right Apples: Opt for apples that are suitable for baking and hold their shape well. Varieties like Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, or Braeburn work beautifully in baked apple recipes.

Core the Apples: Use an apple corer or a sharp knife to remove the cores from the apples. This creates a cavity that can be filled with delicious toppings.

Stuff the Apples: Enhance the flavor and texture of the baked apples by stuffing the cavity with a mixture of nuts, dried fruits, and spices. Chopped walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, and a touch of brown sugar make for a delectable filling.

Baste the Apples: While the apples are baking, occasionally baste them with the juices from the bottom of the dish. This helps to further infuse the apples with flavor and keeps them moist throughout the cooking process.

Test for Doneness: To check if the baked apples are done, gently insert a fork into the flesh. They should be tender but still hold their shape. Avoid overcooking, as the apples may become mushy.

Serve with Toppings: Once the baked apples are out of the oven, drizzle them with the caramelized juices from the baking dish. Serve them with a dollop of whipped cream, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or a sprinkle of cinnamon for an irresistible finish.

Get Creative with Toppings: Customize your baked apples by experimenting with different toppings. Consider crushed graham crackers, granola, a drizzle of chocolate sauce, or a sprinkle of toasted nuts for added texture and flavor.

Remember, baking is an art that allows for personalization and creativity. Feel free to adapt the recipe and cooking tips to suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Enjoy the delightful aroma and taste of warm, tender baked apples, and savor the comforting flavors they bring to your table. Happy baking! 

Vanilla icecream


1. Can I use a different type of sweetener instead of honey?

Certainly! While honey adds a distinct flavor and natural sweetness to the baked apples, you can experiment with alternative sweeteners. Maple syrup, agave nectar, or even brown sugar dissolved in warm water can be used as substitutes. Adjust the quantity according to your desired level of sweetness.

2. Can I add other spices to the baked apples?

Absolutely! Triss Merigold encourages creativity in the kitchen. If you desire a more complex flavor profile, feel free to incorporate additional spices such as nutmeg, ginger, or a hint of cloves. These spices will enhance the warmth and aromatic notes of the dish.

3. Can I use different types of apples for this recipe?

Yes, you can use different varieties of apples for this recipe. Each apple variety has its own unique flavor and texture, which will impart subtle nuances to the final dish. Choose apples that hold their shape well when baked, such as Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, or Braeburn.

4. Can I serve these baked apples with ice cream?

Absolutely! Triss Merigold would undoubtedly approve of serving these baked honey apples with a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream. The contrast of warm and tender apples with the cool and silky ice cream creates a delightful combination of temperatures and textures.

5. Can I make a larger batch of baked honey apples?

Certainly! You can easily scale up the recipe to accommodate a larger number of servings. Simply adjust the quantities of the ingredients accordingly and ensure that the baking time is adjusted to accommodate the increased volume of apples.

Embrace the magic in the kitchen, unleash your creativity, and let Triss Merigold’s baked honey apples transport you to a world of culinary enchantment. Enjoy this delightful dessert and share the joy with your loved ones. Happy baking and bon appétit!

greeen apple


Triss Merigold’s baked honey apples are a testament to the wonders that can be conjured in the kitchen. With a few simple ingredients and a touch of magic, you can create a dessert that delights the palate and transports you to a realm of culinary enchantment. These baked apples, infused with the golden nectar of honey, are a celebration of nature’s bounty and the joy of indulging in simple pleasures.

So, gather your ingredients, embrace your inner witch or sorcerer, and embark on a culinary adventure with Triss Merigold’s baked honey apples. May they bring you the same delight and magic they have brought to the world of Witcher 3.