Turkey salad with green olives recipe

You will not need many products for this salad. You have to cook a boiled fillet or take leftover turkey after Thanksgiving Day. You can substitute green olives with black ones. 


  • Boiled turkey — 300 g .
  • Green olives — 200 g.
  • canned corn — 200 g .
  • Lettuce — 3 leaves
  • Sesame — 10 g.
  • White bread crackers — 100 g .
  • Mayonnaise — 100 g.

How to cook turkey salad with green olives

  1. Cook the turkey fillet, and cool it.
  2. Cut it into cubes, and put it in a salad bowl.
  3. Next put canned corn.
  4. Cut the pitted olives in half, and put them in the bowl with the rest of the products.
  5. Tear the lettuce and add crackers to other ingredients.
  6. Fill the salad with mayonnaise, and salt and sesame. Stir all ingredients well.
Turkey salad with green olives

In this turkey salad with green olives instead of mayonnaise you can put Greek yogurt. It all depends on your preferences.

Enjoy your meal!