Pork Raxo or Lomo Raxado

Pork Raxo or Lomo Raxado
Pork Raxo or Lomo Raxado

Pork Raxo, also known as “Lomo Raxado” is a traditional Spanish dish that originated in the northwestern region of Galicia. It is a simple and flavorful dish that features pork loin, typically pan-fried and served with potatoes or other vegetables.


  • Cream — 300 ml.
  • Pork — 700 g.
  • Tomato paste — 2 tbs.
  • Heavy cream — 200 ml.
  • Red wine — 150 ml.
  • Olive oil — 3 tbs.
  • Sweet paprika — 2 tbs.
  • Salt and black ground pepper — to taste
Pork Raxo calories
Pork Raxo calories

How to cook pork raxo

Step 1. Cut the pork flesh into thin long pieces.


Step 2. Fry the pork in olive oil over high heat for 4-5 minutes until tender and golden brown.

Step 3. Separately, in a bowl, mix spices, tomato paste, cream. Pour the sauce over the pork, heat over low heat, stirring, for 5 minutes until the cream boils.

tomato paste cream

Step 4. Pour in the wine gradually in small portions, stirring. Then simmer about 25-30 minutes. Then garnish pork loin in red wine sauce with greens and serve with potato or cheesy orzo pasta.

Pork Raxo tips

  1. Choose a good quality pork loin: The success of this dish depends largely on the quality of the pork loin. Look for a lean, tender cut with minimal fat and marbling.
  2. Slice the pork thin: Slicing the pork thinly will help it cook more evenly.
  3. Don’t overcrowd the pan: Cooking the pork in batches will help it cook more evenly and develop a nice sear.
  4. Let the pork rest before slicing: Once the pork is cooked, let it rest for a few minutes before slicing it. This will help the juices redistribute and keep the meat moist and tender.
  5. Serve with a fresh squeeze of lemon: A fresh squeeze of lemon over the Pork Raxo just before serving will add a bright and refreshing burst of flavor.
  6. Experiment with different spices: While paprika is the traditional spice used in Pork Raxo, you can also experiment with other spices such as cumin, coriander, or chili powder to add your own personal twist to the dish.

Enjoy your meal!