How long to cook salmon in air fryer

How long to cook salmon in air fryer
how long to cook salmon in air fryer

How long to cook salmon in air fryer depends on the thickness of the fish and your desired level of doneness. As a general guideline, here are some cooking times for air fryer salmon:

For a 1-inch thick salmon fillet:

Cook at 400°F for 8-12 minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 145°F.

For a crispier skin, place the salmon skin-side down in the air fryer basket.

For a 2-inch thick salmon fillet:

Cook at 400°F for 12-18 minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 145°F.

Keep in mind that these cooking times are only estimates, and you may need to adjust based on the specific air fryer you are using and your personal preferences. It’s always best to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the fish, to ensure that it is fully cooked and safe to eat.