What is Plain Greek Yogurt
Cooking questions

What is plain Greek yogurt?

Greek yogurt has become an increasingly popular food item in recent years, and for good reason. With its creamy texture, tangy taste, and numerous health benefits, it’s no wonder that this delicious dairy product has become a staple in many people’s diets. One type of Greek yogurt that has gained a lot of attention is plain Greek yogurt. In this article, we will explore what plain Greek yogurt is, its […]

Eggs for keto diet
Cooking questions

How many eggs per day can someone eat on keto diet

Are you ready to delve into the intricate details of a ketogenic diet? This low-carbohydrate, high-fat, and moderate-protein diet is designed to trigger a state called ketosis, which is characterized by the body using fat as the primary source of fuel. Known for its ability to aid in weight loss, regulate blood sugar levels, and boost overall health, the ketogenic diet has become a popular dietary approach. One of the […]

The basics of meal Planning
Cooking questions

The basics of meal planning: how to save time and money in the kitchen

If you tired of spending too much time and money on meals, meal planning can help. By taking a little time each week to plan out your meals and recipes, you can save both time and money in the kitchen. I think meal planning has been a game-changer for me. Here are some basics of meal I found useful. How to save time and money in the kitchen: 7 tips […]

Roasting and baking
Cooking questions

What is the difference between baking and roasting?

There are “cooking accidents” in every life when the meal is burned. To avoid this the cooker should understand the difference between baking and roasting. The main secret is in the temperature and the type of food you are cooking. Baking usually refers to cooking foods in an oven at a lower temperature, typically around 350°F (176°C) or lower. This method is great for baking desserts, bread, or casseroles. It […]

Cooking questions

What tools every home bar needs

As a home cook, you may have seen scenes in movies where bartenders expertly mix drinks in a shaker and garnish them with ice, berries, and fruits. If you want to impress your guests with your own bartending skills, you can easily recreate these techniques at home with the right tools. Shaker One of the most important tools for making cocktails is a shaker. With a shaker, you can achieve […]

Сhoko fruit or chayote
Cooking questions

Сhoko fruit or chayote: what is it

If you’re looking to add some new vegetables to your cooking, consider trying chayote or choko fruit , also known as “Mexican cucumber.” This plant from the gourd family has a liana-like appearance and is native to Central America. The chayote can be eaten raw, fried, boiled, and it can also be stored for a long time. Unlike the typical cucumber, it has only one seed and a taste that […]

Plant-based milk VS cow’s milk which is better
Cooking questions

Plant-based milk VS cow’s milk: which is better

Plant-based milk is a popular alternative to cow’s milk for many reasons. It is a cruelty-free option that is rich in essential nutrients and vitamins, with some even matching the nutritional value of cow’s milk. However, it’s important to be mindful of potential allergens and added chemicals in some brands. Soy milk is a nutritious and protein-packed option, but it may not be for everyone due to its taste and composition. Rice milk is a great choice for those with allergies or who prefer a low-fat, sweet-tasting alternative. Coconut milk offers a unique tropical flavor, and cow’s milk remains a popular option for those who can tolerate lactose. When it comes to coffee, the type of milk you choose is ultimately a matter of personal preference, but it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and choose a milk that fits your nutritional needs. […]

How to cook vegetables to retain their nutrients
Cooking questions

How to cook vegetables to retain their nutrients

Eating healthy is as important as eating tasty. Our food provides us with essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that our body needs to function well and stay healthy. Most of the food we consume undergoes some form of processing. There has been a long-standing debate about the healthiness of boiled vegetables, with some claiming that cooking destroys all their valuable properties. However, this is not entirely true. While cooking does […]

How to make a perfect omelette
Cooking questions

How to make a perfect omelette

An omelette can be the epitome of fluffiness, tenderness, and flavor, but not every attempt at making one results in such a dish. With busy mornings and limited time for breakfast preparation, it’s not uncommon for the omelette to come out dense and pie-like instead of airy and fluffy. While fillings such as herbs, sauces, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, and cheese can help disguise an unsuccessful omelette, every home cook wants […]

Mushroom coffee
Cooking questions

What is mushroom coffee – benefits and side effects

Mushroom coffee is a beverage made by blending regular coffee with pure mushroom extract. This unique drink boasts a rich coffee flavor, without any overpowering mushroom taste. The origins of mushroom coffee can be traced back to Finland during World War II, when a coffee shortage led to the addition of chaga mushroom to the drink. Chaga was soaked in water overnight, then the liquid was extracted and added to […]